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Day of Gratitude 2013 (inspired by Elizabeth Harrin’s blog)


Writing my book, The Project ManagementAnswer Book, has connected me with all kinds of great people!

Taking a page from Elizabeth Harrin’s “Day Of Gratitude” 2013 Blog Post  (see Thank-you #1, below) I wanted to thank the authors, bloggers, reviewers, hosts, and application developers who published interviews, reviews, blogs, podcasts, and apps about/including my book in 2013.





  • Thank you #11 – FaceBook “Likes” – All my readers who “Liked” my book on Facebook (from people in 21 countries so far!)
  • Thank you #12 – Amazon Reviews – All my readers who Reviewed My Book on Amazon (22 Amazon Reviews so far – Average Rating: 5 Stars)
  • Thank you #13  The US Army – The officers and PMs who attended my classes on-post this year at Fort Gordon, Fort Campbell, and Fort Hood (and who invited me to their homes, parties, Chow Halls and Officers’ Clubs)


  • Thank you #14 – IIUSA – Who I teach my private Advanced PM / PMP Prep  courses for.
  • Thank you #15 – NYU SCPS – Where I now teach 5 courses (4 courses as part of NYU’s Certificate In Project Management) as follows:
  1. Basic Project Management (PROJ1-CE8600) ==> My next class starts April 19th
  2. PMP Prep (PROJ1-CE8601) ==> My next class starts Feb. 8th
  3. Ethics In PM (PROJ1-CE8665) ==> My next class starts March 16th
  4. Summer Intensive In PM (CE8660 – I teach the Communications Management Day)
  5. Principals of PM for Construction Management Professionals (COPM1-CE9640) Schack Institute of Real Estate: 10-Day Certificate Program, I co-teach the first 3 days of the program ==> My next class starts June 4th

             – For my Upcoming Classes at  N Y U,  see my Schedule 2014 

  • Thank you #16 – NetCom Learning – Where I teach (1) PMP and (2) Train-The-Trainer courses toward certification: Microsoft MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer), CompTIA CTT+ (CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer) and Adobe ACI (Adobe Certified Instructor)


PUBLISHER of my book: “The PM Answer Book” 





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